Welcome to my blog! Odd title you say? Yes, maybe, but I bet you would agree with me that life is chaotic! I'm mindful though, in the midst of the chaos, of Colossians 3:17 "Whatever you do, do it all in the name of Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father!" I thank God that my life gets to be chaotic...I know that through the chaos He is transforming me to be more like Him!

Monday, May 24, 2010

6 Things to Catch You Up On!

I can't believe it's been almost exactly 1 month since I last posted! There's been so much going on! Let's see if I can quickly update:

1. We just opened our second Monkey Charms store in Brandon, MS! It's smaller than our Flowood store, but it's the same concept. The new store has much more of a boutique feel than the 1st store...they both definitely have their own personalities! So for the past few weeks, I have been busy helping get the store ready for business! It's been so much fun, but lots of hard work. We were spending so much time getting the store ready that I had no time for blogging! This past week, we opened the new store and I worked helping train new employees and making sure all the "kinks" were worked out. We will have our grand opening on June 1st! I haven't taken any pictures yet, but I'll be sure to post some soon!

2. Since we last chatted, my wonderful husband finished seminary! As he reminded me, he has been in school since he was 4 years old! He's now 26...that's a lot of school! The last few weeks were filled with papers, studying, and tests! I'm so glad it's finally over. We finally feel like we can live a normal married life without having schoolwork always hanging over our heads! Also, my sister-in-law graduated from college the same week! So proud of both of them!

3. New Orleans! - In celebration of Bryant being finished with seminary, we decided to take a last-minute trip to NOLA! We had so much fun! Here are some pics!

On the road...

Taking in a NOLA Zephers game...not sure really who they are, but it was fun!

At the aquarium...

At the zoo...Bryant pretending to be Gary Saurage...

We also took in some Mullattes, Cafe Du Monde, and shopping! It was so good to get away, and the best part was probably not having to come home to schoolwork!

4. My book is sitting with only half of a rough draft completed. Unfortunately, I haven't had time to write much of anything! I found out that I'm not going to get to go to a Christian book writer's conference that I was really hoping to get to go to, so that's kind of bummed me out. But I shall start back writing soon...

5. If you've read my blog, then you know about our favorite little boy, Zachary. Well, Thursday was Zach's 2nd birthday! I can't believe our little boy is 2 years old! (I'm sure his real mommy, Allison, can't believe it either!) Thursday night we were invited to his birthday party...a Bob the Builder party! His parents hosted the party complete with hard hats, cones, & caution tape! So cute!

Here's Bryant & Zach...

6. I guess the last thing I will blog about tonight (since it is 2 am!) is that I really have a feeling that God is getting ready to do something different in our life. I'm not sure what it is yet. Some recent situations haven't turned out the way we thought they would, leaving us kind of confused. Regardless, I know that our God is faithful & He hasn't forgotten about us. I'm excited to see what's right around the corner...praying that our hearts will be ready for whatever it is and that we will hear His voice clearly! I'll leave you with some words to a song we sing at church....they are my constant prayer right now...

Forever, You are my reason for living
Merciful, Savior, unending
Breathe on me
Forever, You are the God of my story
Write every line for Your glory!

Breathe on me

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