Welcome to my blog! Odd title you say? Yes, maybe, but I bet you would agree with me that life is chaotic! I'm mindful though, in the midst of the chaos, of Colossians 3:17 "Whatever you do, do it all in the name of Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father!" I thank God that my life gets to be chaotic...I know that through the chaos He is transforming me to be more like Him!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

CG Tour in Memphis!

I've been out of "blogger" world for a few days. Most of the time because I was out of town and the last few days because I have been very sick. I told you that you would be hearing more about our amazing middle schoolers very soon..., well here ya go! My husband and I just spent 5 days in Memphis with about 200 6th, 7th, & 8th graders on a mission trip to Memphis, TN. 200 middle schoolers + 5 buses + 11 concerts in 5 days = craziness! Our middle school choir is like nothing you've ever seen. These are students who give up their spring break and so many hours beforehand preparing to go present a concert of testimony, dance, and singing to anyone who will listen! This year we had the amazing opportunity to go into multiple public schools and "sneak" in the Gospel. Here are some pics!

Green bus - we're straight up G! The green bus life is the life for me! We called our bus the green shamrocks! Since our trip contained St. Patrick's Day, we decided this would be a good name for us. History tells us that St. Patrick went into Ireland to spread the Gospel and to drive out the darkness. He used the shamrock to help illustrate the 3 parts of the trinity. We were headed to Memphis to spread the Gospel and to drive out darkness just like St. Patrick!

Me and some of my green gurlies...we be lookin so fly! Stoppin to eat up some McDs on the way up!

Yep! They're 8th graders...I guess you never grow too old for a Happy Meal!

Our first ministry site...a block party with Lifelink church. Right in the middle of inner-city Memphis, we held a block party. We did a concert and fed everyone in the freezing cold!

Setting up for the block party at Lifelink! The graffiti made for an awesome backdrop!

Day 2 - Unloading at Church without Doors...right across from the FedEx Forum! It's a church for the homeless that meets every Sunday. We got to lead their service and then feed them and hang out. It meets at a big outdoor park and they set up orange buckets upside down with wooden planks to make pews. An incredible eye-opener for our students.

This is how they started the service at church without doors! So fun!

Day 3 - Hamilton High School...our first school. Right in the center of inner-city Memphis...it's one of top 10 most dangerous high schools in America. God opened up the door for us to tell them how God could write a new story for their life at an assembly for their 9th grade class.

Me & Bryant...two of the 60ish chaps...do we look tired?!

Rachel, Ramsey, & Sarah...don't they look cute in their blue tees?!!

Mr. Boyd didn't last too long...straight up in the middle of the school gym during tear down!

Some of the schools we went to...

Youth Vision is a community center for neighborhood kids to have a place to go to stay out of trouble. This place is so much fun and Coach Marion is the bomb!

The concert...

Jason praying over the students at Youth Vision after the concert.

My 3 little "homies" MacKenzie, Ashley, & Cori

Prayer walking through downtown Memphis...

Last year, on this same prayer walk we prayed that God would give this building to the Memphis Union Mission to use for ministry. The Memphis Union Mission was able to purchase this building for $10 and it will allow them to expand their current ministry to the homeless, teaching them about the love of Jesus.

Me & Bryant again...end of the last day, we be lookin like it!

At the end of the prayer walk with some new friends! Ellie & Gabby! Special girls!

It was a great trip! We saw so many people lay down their old stories and let God write their new story! They will be leading worship in the morning at Pinelake during all three services and then a homecoming concert tomorrow night at 6:30 at Pinelake. Come if you can!

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