I haven't had much to say lately, I've just been trying to figure out what God wants to do with my life and getting ready for our middle school mission tour coming up in less than 2 weeks! (I'll post some videos about them soon, you haven't seen anything like it!) Oh, I have also been spending time working doing some marketing for a friend who owns a couple of businesses in the area, it's been fun getting to be around random people again! I love being around people!
My purpose in writing this blog post tonight is to let you in on something that God is teaching me right now. Maybe it will speak to you too. It's blaring loud and clear in my life right now!
A couple of weeks ago, I was talking with a guy named John that I don't know too well, but I knew he had recently left his job to take a job at our church. I was congratulating him on the new job which sparked the conversation. He talked about how it was hard for him to leave his job that he had, because he enjoyed it so much and he was good at it. He said that he was working with his friends, he was fulfilled, and he just didn't have a desire to leave. Then he received a phone call from someone at our church talking to him about coming to work there. Long story short, this new position was one that was very intimidating to him. He thought, there's no way I am capable of holding that position at the church! And then he told me something that I haven't been able to get out of my head since then. He said that he once had a friend tell him, if you're ever offered a position and you think you can do it, don't take it. Don't take it because it doesn't leave any room for you to depend on God. But if you're ever offered a position and you think, there's no way I could do that! This is how you know it's God!
The very next day, I went to lunch with someone who offered me a position, and my immediate thought was "there's no way I am capable to do that!" Every day since then I have battled with this thought, "God, I'm not capable." He keeps reminding me of what John said that day, and I haven't been able to get it out of my head! So while this has been going on for the past week or so, every time I get in my car it seems, and I turn on the radio this certain song has been on. Even a couple of times when the radio wasn't on, the Holy Spirit told me to turn on the radio and this song has been on or has come on once I turned on the radio! It's been crazy! The song is called, "Walk on the Water" by Britt Nicole. Here are the words:
You look around, and staring back at you
Another wave of doubt, will it pull you under?
You wonder.
What if I'm overtaken?
What if I never make it?
What if no one's there?
Will you hear my prayer?
When you take that first step into the unknown
you know that He won't let you go
So what are you waiting for? What do you have to lose?
Your insecurities try to hold to you
But you know you're made for more, so don't be afraid to move
your faith is all it takes and you can WALK ON THE WATER TOO.
So get out, and let your fear fall to the ground
No time to waste, don't wait, and don't you turn around
And miss out on everything you were made for
I know you're not sure, so you play it safe, try to run away
If you take that first step into the unknown
you know that He won't let you go
Step out! Even when it's storming
Step out! Even when you're broken
Step out! Even when your heart is telling you, telling you to give up
Step out! When your hope is stolen
Step out! You can't see where your going
You don't have to be afraid
So what are you waiting for?
Is there something that God is telling you to do, but you don't think you are capable on your own to do it? This thing I'm praying about, I can't tell you how unqualified I feel to do it! But I think God is telling me to step out in faith and let Him do it through me! It makes me think of the conversation God had to have with Moses in Exodus 4.
Then Moses said to the LORD, "Please, Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither recently nor in time past, nor since You have spoken to Your servant; for I am slow of speech and slow of tongue."
The LORD said to him, "Who has made man's mouth? Or who makes him mute or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the LORD?
"Now then go, and I, even I, will be with your mouth, and teach you what you are to say."
And Moses said, "Please, Lord, now send the message by whomever You will."
I've decided I'm going to step out and do it! I hope that if there's something God is telling you to do, but you've been running from it like I have, that you'll join with me and let's do it! God is calling us to do great things for Him, but we have to take the first step like Peter did before he was able to walk on the water!
Matthew 14:29
And He said, "Come!" And Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus.
What are you waiting for?
For some more encouragement, you can find out the story behind the song here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAFup_5dPaQ
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