Welcome to my blog! Odd title you say? Yes, maybe, but I bet you would agree with me that life is chaotic! I'm mindful though, in the midst of the chaos, of Colossians 3:17 "Whatever you do, do it all in the name of Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father!" I thank God that my life gets to be chaotic...I know that through the chaos He is transforming me to be more like Him!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday Morning Commentary

Well, when I started Monday Morning Commentary, I didn't realize that it would be another whole week before I blogged again! Oh well, such is the busyness of life.

What a wonderful weekend though! My husband surprised me with a trip to Dallas, Texas! Now, there's nothing special about Dallas except for my favorite mall is there, they have a Cheesecake Factory (my FAV restaurant!), oh yeah, and HILLSONG was going to be at Fellowship Church! My sweet husband got us tickets and so we hit the road...

We left Wednesday night and drove halfway to my grandparents house in Jonesboro, LA. I LOVED getting to spend some time with them, even though it was short! My grandmother cooked us breakfast the next morning before we hit the road again headed to Dallas.

While approaching Shreveport, we got the crazy idea that we should stop by and check out the site of one of our favorite tv shows at the moment: Billy the Exterminator. We knew he was sorta close to Shreveport so we looked it up and punched it in the GPS. (Oh yeah, we made a pit stop at McAlisters for free sweet tea day!). So we found the site of Vexcon in Benton, LA! This may not be very exciting to most of you guys, but we think Billy is pretty awesome, and we DVR his show every Wednesday night! So here's the pic of Vexcon.

While we were enjoying taking pictures of the outside like total idiots, all of a sudden Billy himself walks out, gets in his truck, and drives passed us! So what else were we to do...but follow??

We followed Billy for about 10-15 minutes like complete stalkers hoping he was going to a job and we would get to watch. We were very excited! Instead he parked here...

It was a gas station...and of course we went inside.

Unfortunately, we were so close but didn't get a picture with Billy. He went into the gas station restaurant and I guess my husband was afraid we would get in trouble for stalking if we asked him for a picture! So...our adventure ended...and we continued to Dallas.

Thursday night, we celebrated my early birthday at Cheesecake Factory...my favorite restaurant of all! Friday was full of LOTS of shopping and Forever 21! Then Friday night we went to Fellowship Church for Hillsong! It was an amazing night of worship!

Saturday was full of even more shopping...my poor husband didn't understand at all! But I'm so thankful to my sweet husband for giving me a wonderful birthday trip!

PS - no idea why the photos in this post are so jacked up! Please forgive me!

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