Late last night and into the early morning hours, I, along with many others around the world watched in amazement as one by one, miners that have been trapped underground for the last 69 days were pulled one by one out of the mine to safety. I fell asleep last night after they had rescued 4 miners, and as I sit and watch right now they have already rescued 14 of the 33 miners. It's truly amazing to sit and watch. Relief overwhelms the faces of these miners as they are pulled to safety. Joy is on their faces as they are reunited with their family members that they thought they would never see again! And the world is inspired! The news media can't get enough! Facebook and Twitter is filled with messages from people saying they just can't stop watching the rescue mission...and I think, this is how Jesus rescued you too!
We were dead and buried in all our sin because of our sin, destined to remain there for eternity until God stepped in. He sent us a capsule, His son, Jesus Christ, to pull us up out of the pit we got ourselves trapped in! He didn't just pull us up out, but He gave us freedom forever! The assurance we would NEVER be trapped again! It is amazing how stories of rescue capture the heart of people all over the world, yet when it comes to their own rescue, people turn a deaf ear. I think it's because they fail to see their need to be rescued. Can you just imagine one of these Chilean miners trapped for 69 days already, yet when they sent the capsule down to him and said, "It's your turn to be rescued" he said, "Aah, no thanks, I don't need to be rescued. I'm just fine right here where I am." It would NEVER happen. That's because they realize that staying trapped there will lead to a slow death. Yet, when it comes to our need to be rescued from eternal death, most people will be content to sit tight in their mine, ignoring the capsule that's been sent for them that would lead them to eternal life in Christ.
I read newspaper headlines this morning that said "Joy as Capsule Raises Trapped Men to the Surface!" and "Chile Miners Rescued!" Can you imagine if there were headlines like this everytime another person in the world decided not to stay trapped in their sin anymore and decided to receive the free gift of the capsule and be rescued! I only pray today that people would realize that they, like the miners, are trapped in their sin which leads to death, and only through the capsule, Jesus, can they be saved from death for eternity. It's as urgent as rescuing coal miners in Chile, except that there's more hope for them than for some who continue to ignore God's gift of salvation.
" is the day of salvation." 2 Corinthians 6:2
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