Welcome to my blog! Odd title you say? Yes, maybe, but I bet you would agree with me that life is chaotic! I'm mindful though, in the midst of the chaos, of Colossians 3:17 "Whatever you do, do it all in the name of Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father!" I thank God that my life gets to be chaotic...I know that through the chaos He is transforming me to be more like Him!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Saints,Vikings, & the Holy Spirit?!

So...anyone that knows me knows that football just doesn't thrill my heart. Just let me go shopping!! But having been married for 14 months to an avid sports enthusiast, it's always on tv at our house...except for the few minutes of the week he turns it to HGTV and pretends to be interested with me! I must say though, Bryant has been able to get me to watch it a little more since we've been married, and last night was one of those times. Vikings vs Saints. Would Brett Farve go to the Super Bowl for perhaps the last time or would the New Orleans Saints go to the Super Bowl for the first time ever?! We decided to watch the football game together! It was a great idea and I must say I thoroughly enjoyed myself! Only problem...I was cheering for the Vikings...he was cheering for the Saints. I have just never been a fan of the Saints, not because of their playing record, just because I don't like so much black! It was up and down, back and forth the whole football game long! I didn't get bored once! One minute it looked like the Vikings were going to win, the next definitely the Saints, then wait, maybe the Vikings after all...only for the Saints to win it all in overtime! So, what does that have to do with the Holy Spirit you may be asking? Well, this morning I was reading in Acts 1. Jesus had ascended into Heaven and while Jesus had promised the Holy Spirit, He had not yet come. So here's Peter in verse 26 trying to make an important decision, without the help of Jesus or the Holy Spirit. Who would be the disciple to replace Judas? Would it be Joseph or Matthias? "Well," Peter reasoned," Jo would be good because he has a good heart, but Matthias would be good too because He has been with us the whole time, but so has Jo...." you get the idea. Who should they pick? They had to draw lots in order to decide and just hope they drew correctly! No pressure! Let's face it, if I had taken a gamble on who would win that football game last night, one minute I would've wanted to choose the Vikings, the next minute the Saints...I would've failed miserably. In fact, I did because I chose the Vikings to win! How great God is that He didn't just leave us here to wonder back and forth every time we must make an important decision, more important than who's going to win a football game! I am so thankful we don't have to cast lots in order to know what to do! I thank God that He gave us the Holy Spirit to speak to us and give us wisdom to know what to do when we don't have a clue! If we will just listen and be obedient, our tough life decisions are already decided! And unless the Saints decide to go with gold jerseys for the Super Bowl, it looks like I'm going to have to cheer for Peyton Manning and the Colts!

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